Remodelage, created in 1998 by Parisian acupuncturist Martine de Richeville, is a manual slimming and toning technique to detox, refine and tone. The highly acclaimed treatment incorporates a specific ‘8 shaped’ motion created by Martine, that works on the hypodermis down to the deep fascia, which softens the older fat deposits allowing a stronger capillary circulation. As the tissue is softened, oxygen and nutrients can work to their optimum cellular activity – the only real method to eliminate fat excess in the tissue and restore skin tone and texture.This treatment provides both immediate and long term benefits to the mind and body by strengthening digestion, toning the silhouette and reducing stress and fatigue.
Prices: 1st session £180 and the package of 10 sessions is £1,600.
Remodelage is available in London at Grace Belgravia and KX Spa, Chelsea and treatments centres in Paris, Madrid, Brussels and Geneva. The treatment is also available in Saks 5th Avenue in New York.